Change Your Past

Change Your Past

Change Your Past

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No, I haven’t lost my mind and yes I meant to title this post “Change Your Past.” I remember a cartoon character from my childhood named Ziggy. (Anyone remember Ziggy? Whatever happened to Ziggy, anyway?) Here’s the only thing Ziggy ever said that I remember: “Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.” Hmmm. Ziggy wisdom.

I have kept a journal for years and one of my favorite things to do is look back to see what I was doing this time last year, or two years or even three or more years ago. It’s no surprise the choices I made then affected my circumstances today. So, the better decisions and wiser choices I made then changed my future, which is now my past. See? I can change what will soon be my past by making the right decisions today.

The best decision I ever made was to consciously strive to be fully and radically obedient to my Savior. By making that one all-important decision, my life looks incredibly different than it would have had I not decided to “change my past.”

What are you holding on to today that you know you need to give over to Jesus so He can begin to change your tomorrow? And once you allow Him to change your tomorrows, He will change your yesterdays. That just makes today even better, doesn’t it?

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